One of the downsides of living in an apartment is that it is generally forbidden to own pets. Having grown up surrounded by cats and dogs, I do feel a distinct lack of fluffy animals in my life. So when a coworker asked me if I wanted to volunteer with her at one of Japan’s best animal shelters, ARK animal refuge center, I literally jumped at the chance.
ARK was started in 1990 by an English woman living in Japan who, upset the lack of facilities for animals in Japan, enlisted some friends to open ARK and give some dogs a place to call home. Though starting small, the organization began to grow and was instrumental in housing hundreds of dogs left homeless after the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake hit Japan in 1995. Nowadays the shelter houses some 200 dogs, as well as cats, geese, rabbits, goats and even a fox.
My coworker and I got there pretty early in the morning and after a quick introduction were put straight to work as dog walkers. Since ARK is located far up in the northern countryside of Osaka, there is plenty of space to walk and explore, and with so many young and “energetic” dogs, dog walking seems to be one of the most important activities volunteers do.
Our first group of dogs was a whole heard of the smaller breeds, including a toy poodle, a miniature pinscher, and quite a few Chinese crested, both the haired and hairless varieties. Despite the fact that many of the dogs had come from breeders with little chance for socializing and play, they were pretty much all very excited to be out and about for their walks.
Taking them out in twos, we got to wander all over ARK, which is a huge complex. The dogs of course were super excited to sniff and roll around in all manner of things, and even the few that seemed nervous leaving the safety of their pen warmed up to the walks soon enough. Many of the dogs there were also rescued from areas destroyed in the Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami, so it was really good to see them bouncing around and being happy, just like normal dogs.
Lunchtime gave us a little time to breath and rest, as well as interact with the dogs kept inside to keep from overheating. One bulldog in particular captured my heart with her friendly attitude and expressive face. This is despite the fact she would eat the food she kept throwing up. Dogs are majestic creatures, eh?
As the afternoon heat was too much to take dogs for a walk, our next task was “socializing cats,” basically playing with and brushing some of the cats housed at ARK. The older cats had clearly gone through a lot, with some missing eyes or parts of their tails, but they were some of the friendliest and most playful cats I had ever seen. As anyone who owns cats can tell you, an extremely loving cat is about as rare as a fluffy iguana, but these guys were all clamoring for attention and love. There were also bunches of kittens, and as adorable as they all were, it was all I could do to keep from taking them home myself.
We were then set to brushing the dogs, which is always a right bit more difficult than brushing cats. The brushing generally turned into a game of tag, as you’d try to grab the dog and brush it a few times before he’d inevitably bound away. But since summer in Japan is closely reminiscent of summers on Venus, brushing the dogs can be just as important as walking them. So despite the fact that it ended up looking more like wrestling than grooming, we made sure the pups were looking mighty fine.
After one more quick walk with two new friends, we finally had to say goodbye, but are sure to be back. It’s good knowing that there are places like this in Japan working to help abandoned or abused dogs and cats. Personally, I got to play with puppies and kitties, which totally made my week. We also ran into lots of other volunteers, who ranged from children to retirees, with some people clearly being regulars and visiting every week. Like every other animal shelter, ARK is always looking for volunteers, so any help would be great.
If you’d like to know more about ARK and what they do, check out their homepage: